When I am going into menus in this tut, I will put -> inbetween each selection.
This works best on a black or very dark background.
1. Create your text, easy. You want a font that is quite thick and has curvy bits on it.
2. Copy text layer, hide copy.
3. Merge origanal text layer with background layer.
4. Use magic wand tool to select all of the background. (note: if you are using a background with more than 1 colour you might want to select the text and invert selection).
5. crystalize, filter -> pixelate -> crystalize, cell size of about 7
6. select the text (invert selection)
7. add noise, filter -> noise -> add noise about between 60 and 70, Gaussian, NOT monochromatic.
8. Gaussian blur, filter -> blur -> Gaussian blur, about 2
9. Image -> Adjustments -> Curves, make a very bendy one with 4 bends, bottom left corner to top right.
10. deselect (Ctrl D)
11. Image -> rotate canvas -> 90 CW
12. filter -> styilise -> wind, method wind, from the right
13. Image -> rotate canvas -> 90 CCW
14. layer -> new adjustment layer -> Hue/saturation, check the "use previos layer to create clipping mask" box.
15. select the colourise box, and create a light blue colour.
16. select the brush tool, the cross brush (it is in the assorted brushes set).
17. edit the brush presets, shape dynamics, size jitter about 66%, angle jitter abou 32%.
18. create new layer
19. click in random places around the letters don't do too many.
20. DONE
I will upload pics later... maybe